August 2013 Videography

Moving Pictures V

Walter Röhrl *** Sebastien Loeb *** Vettel's overtake show *** Porsche




Many experts would argue that the best rally driver of all time is Walter Röhrl. See for yourself in this very well made tribute!

„Genie auf Rädern“ – Walter Röhrl


Last months, we prepared for Pikes Peak with the classic short film „Climb Dance“. No you can watch Sebastien Loeb’s winning run 2013. Great driving!

Sebastien Loeb Pikes Peak World Record Full Onboard


Abu Dhabi 2012 was one of Sebatian Vettel’s greatest races. This video shows every single one of his overtake in this record setting event. A lot of fun!

Vettel’s overtake show in Abu Dhabi 2012


„A lot of companies race, because it is good for the brand. Porsche races, because it’s the air they breathe.“ Dan Neil (Wall Street Journal automotive critic)

Faster. Farther.






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